On March 18, 2024, the fifth statutory council was held at the Akita Castle Hotel for the offshore wind project we are developing off the coast of Noshiro city, Mitane town, and Oga city in Akita Prefecture. The statutory council is mandated by the Act on Promoting the Utilization of Sea Areas for the Development of Marine Renewable Energy Power Generation Facilities and is held once a year by the national government, local governments, related fishermen, experts and us (the selected business operator).
We explained the progress since last year and future prospects of our offshore wind project off the coast of Noshiro, Mitane and Oga. Our explanation was primarily about the method of the fishery impact survey, the additional subsea geotechnical survey to be conducted this year, and the implementation status of local contribution measures, to which we received valuable opinions from council members. The offshore wind project is a long-term project spanning three decades, so we will continue to seriously consider the opinions of local stakeholders and work towards the prosperity of the region together with the project.