On March 23, 2024, we held a salmon fry release event with the students invited from local elementary school. The event was held in conjunction with the "Prayng for the Return of Salmon" ceremony by the Salmon and Trout Resources Enhancement Association of Akita Prefecture. After receiving an easy-to-understand lecture on salmon's life from Mr. Suda, the chairperson of the association, salmon fry was released.
The children participated in this event were those who faced the cancellation of planned salmon fry release event at their elementary schools due to COVID-19 pandemic. They warm-heartedly commented "I'm glad I could experience this time. I wish to see them back after four years." It was a good opportunity for elementary school students and their parents to deepen their understanding on the importance of salmon resources for Akita Prefecture.
In order to contribute to the further revitalization of local communities and fisheries, we will continue to work together with local communities to advance our local contribution businesses.