Akita Noshiro Mitane Oga Offshore Wind, which our company invests in, held a class of power generation experiment for sixth-grade students at Futto Elementary School on September 12, as part of an "off-campus study on ports and energy" host by the local Oga city under its "Human Resource Development Project for the Next Generation."
After lectures on the themes of "Learn power generation and electricity!" and "What is renewable energy?" we asked students to turn a small wind turbine model to illuminate a light bulb, and to experience the electrical requirements to light LED lamps, fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps by using a hand-cranked generator.
"I had a hard time turning the windmill, but it was fun to be creative and find the way to do it well." We also received comments such as, "We learned how difficult it is to continue generating electricity at the same power output." Through these experiments, we hope that the students were able to have fun and deepen their understanding of the mechanism of power generation and renewable energy.